Stylam has always in believed in inclusive development and it has always been philosophy of Stylam working ethics to ensure growth with sustainable environment. We have always been at the forefront of industry leading practices like conservation of energy through periodic energy audits by premier national agencies, water audits and carrying out practices to minimise the use of natural resources in process, selection of vendors on the basis of their energy footprints etc. As a natural extension of this endeavour, Stylam has gone to the level no other Indian laminate manufacturer has thought of and is being practiced only by the top most manufactures in the world.
Stylam Industries is pleased to announce the publication of ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCT DECLARATION (EPD) in the prestigious The International EPD System. EPD certificates are independent declarations that quantitatively evaluate and declare a product’s or service’s environmental performance, as defined in ISO 14025, EN 15804:2012+A2:2019. As part of this exercise a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study was conducted as per international standard ISO 14044 to analyse the environmental impact of its products throughout their life cycle, from the procurement of resources and raw materials to the final destination of the finished product. This EPD covers the entire life cycle of compact laminate production, from raw materials to disposal after use, from cradle to grave.
Stylam is the first Indian laminate producer to publish the EPD for the compact range of laminates, joining forces with the world’s top laminate producers. The EPD reaffirms Stylam’s commitment to environmental sustainability and attests to industry best manufacturing practices at Stylam Industries and its raw material suppliers. As a publicly traded company, Stylam is committed to fulfilling its responsibility to Mother Nature and to following industry best practices with minimal environmental impact.”